Folate vs Folic Acid Pregnancy

 1. Introduction: When it comes to pregnancy, every expectant mother wants to ensure that she is doing everything possible to give her baby a healthy start in life. One of the most important things that a woman can do for her unborn child is to make sure that she is getting enough of the nutrient folic acid. Folic acid is a water soluble vitamin and is part of the B-vitamin family. It plays an important role in the development of the neural tube, and can help to prevent certain birth defects of the brain and spine. While all women of childbearing age should be taking a supplement that contains folic acid, it is especially important for those who are planning to become pregnant, or who are already pregnant. 2. What is folate? Folate is a water soluble vitamin that is found in leafy green vegetables, legumes, nuts, and fortified foods such as breads and cereals. The body needs folate to make DNA and other genetic material. Folate also helps to prevent changes in DNA that can lead to cancer. Folate can also help to repair DNA damage that has already occurred. In addition to playing a role in DNA production and repair, folate is also necessary for the formation of red blood cells and the synthesis of amino acids. 3. What is folic acid? Folic acid is the synthetic form of folate that is found in supplements and fortified foods. When taken in , folic acid can help to prevent birth defects of the brain and spine. All women of childbearing age should be taking a supplement that contains 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid daily. 4. The difference between folate and folic acid While both folate and folic acid are forms of vitamin B9, there are some key differences between them. Folate occurs naturally in food, while folic acid is the synthetic form of folate that is found in supplements and fortified foods. Folate can be metabolized by the body more easily than folic acid, making it more bioavailable. In addition, folate works synergistically with other nutrients, while folic acid works independently. 5. Why is folate important during pregnancy? Folate is important during pregnancy because it helps to prevent birth defects of the brain and spine. gofolic are known as neural tube defects (NTDs). While most NTDs occur in the first 28 days after conception, many women do not even know they are pregnant at this early stage. This is why it is so important for all women of childbearing age to take a supplement that contains 400 mcg of folic acid daily. 6. Why is folic acid important during pregnancy? Folic acid is important during pregnancy because it helps to prevent birth defects of the brain and spine. These defects are known as neural tube defects (NTDs). While most NTDs occur in the first 28 days after conception, many women do not even know they are pregnant at this early stage. This is why it is so important for all women of childbearing age to take a supplement that contains 400 mcg of folic acid daily. 7. The benefits of taking folate during pregnancy There are many benefits associated with taking folate during pregnancy. As mentioned previously, one of the most important benefits is that it can help to prevent birth defects of the brain and spine. In addition, folate has been shown to reduce the risk of preterm labor, low birth weight, and placental abruption (when the placenta tears away from the uterine wall prematurely). Folate has also been linked with a reduced risk of developing preeclampsia (a condition characterized by high blood pressure), and may even help to improve cognitive function in children whose mothers took adequate amounts during pregnancy . 8 . The benefits of taking folic acid during pregnancy While both folate and folic acid offer many benefits during pregnancy, there are some key advantages associated with taking folic acid specifically . One advantage is that folic acid works independently from other nutrients , meaning that it does not need assistance from other vitamins or minerals in order to be effective . Additionally , folic acid tends to be more bioavailable than folate , meaning that more of it gets absorbed into the bloodstream . This makes it especially important for women who have trouble getting enough folate through their diet .|gofolic